Free mental healthcare service for QWA members

We are delighted to announce a ground-breaking partnership between the Queensland Weightlifting Association and the White Cloud Foundation. This partnership represents a significant step forward in our ongoing efforts to develop the QWA Wellbeing Strategy to support the holistic wellbeing and development of our members.

The White Cloud Foundation Tele-Mental Health Service

As part of this partnership, all Queensland Weightlifting Association members and their families will now have access to a state-wide, free, multi-disciplinary mental healthcare service provided by the White Cloud Foundation. This initiative is designed to offer comprehensive support to those facing mental health challenges and to promote overall wellbeing within our community.

How the Service Works

The White Cloud Tele-Mental Health service is a cutting-edge platform that connects individuals in need with a dedicated team of multidisciplinary allied health practitioners. This team of experts uses phone and videoconferencing to provide confidential and personalised mental health support.

The White Cloud team takes a holistic approach, examining various aspects of an individual’s life, including stressors, relationships, diet, exercise, sleep, and more. They then collaborate to develop individualised treatment plans that address these factors comprehensively, supporting patients not only mentally but also physically, emotionally, and practically.

Our Commitment to Wellbeing

At QWA, we believe that the wellbeing of our members is of paramount importance. We understand that mental wellbeing is a vital component of overall wellness and performance, and we are committed to developing a system and network that sees our members thrive, both on and off the platform.

This partnership with the White Cloud Foundation underscores our dedication to this mission. It ensures that every member of our community has access to high-quality mental healthcare, enabling them to overcome challenges and enhance their overall quality of life.

While we focus on creating the models, resources and supports to develop the fundamental wellbeing skills of our members, this partnership with White Cloud Foundation provides members choice and access to higher levels of support.

We are excited about the positive impact this partnership will have on our members and their families as we move toward “Everybody Better, Stronger Together.”

Accessing the Service

To access the service today, please call 07 3155 3456 and for crisis support in Queensland, please call 1300 MH CALL (1300 642 255).

Anyone can access this service for just the cost of a local call.  There are no other costs involved.  People seeking help or support can just call direct on 07 3155 3456.  There is no need for a referral or a mental health plan from your GP. With an opportunity to access 6-8 sessions, we focus on what’s right for the patient to get them well.

White Cloud can also provide support and advice to those connected to someone battling with their mental health.  Quite often it can be very hard on family members, friends, and work mates when they’re not sure what to say or do to help.

Thank you for your continued support, dedication, and commitment to the wellbeing of our weightlifting community. Together, we can build a stronger, healthier, and more resilient Queensland Weightlifting Association.

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